Women's Bible Studies

2025 Bible Studies


In-Person Bible Studies

Free childcare is available for children from birth – 3rd grade

Tuesday Morning


The New Testament - The Bible Recapish

Join us as we read through the New Testament! We have been reading through the entire Bible for several years now using The Bible Recap plan. But each year, we wish the New Testament reading went a little slower. That’s what we will do in this class: we will be using The Bible Recap New Testament reading plan, but we’ll take our time and discuss our observations weekly.
Leader: Andi St.Jean
January 14 - May 20

Tuesdays // 10:00-11:30am

Epic of Eden by Sandra Richter

Does your knowledge of the Old Testament feel like a grab bag of people, books, events, and ideas? How many times have you resolved to really understand the OT? To finally make sense of it? In The Epic of Eden Video Study, Dr. Sandra Richter clearly and powerfully communicates a history of God's redeeming grace, weaving together a story that runs from the Eden of the Garden to the garden of the New Jerusalem.
Leaders: Sherilan Harden, Melanie Watterson & Caryn Wolfe
January 14 - May 6

Tuesdays // 10:00-11:30am

Predicting Jesus by Kim Erikson

A six-week verse-by-verse study of Isaiah's prophecies about Jesus and their fulfillment in the New Testament. From the author: “The focus of this study - Isaiah's prophecies regarding Christ - reveal so much about God: His power, His nature, His plans. We can trust Him to do what He says He is going to do. I pray women use this book to challenge their current mindsets, check their understanding, and push forward in their faith in Jesus and the Bible."
Leaders: Cathie Orozco, Carol Manley, and Brenda Onstead
January 14 – February 18
Tuesdays // 10:00-11:30am


Promises Kept: Five Old Testament Covenants and How Christ Fulfilled Them by Courtney Reissig

In this six-week study, discover the meaning of God's Covenant with Adam, and Abraham, the Exodus and Passover, the Mosaic Covenant, God's Covenant with David, and the New Covenant Promised. Participants see God's purposes for His people, their place in His purposes, and how the entire Bible fits together. Ultimately, we see how Jesus fulfills all of God's loving covenants. 

Leaders: Cathie Orozco, Carol Manley, and Brenda Onstead
February 25 – April 8 
Tuesdays // 10:00-11:30am 


Romans by Melissa Spoelstra

Melissa Spoelstra challenges women to explore the truths found in the book of Romans that will reframe the bad news and remind us of our hope for the future.
Leader: Kristi Johnson, Marlyss Jeffcoat and Peggy Polvado
January 14 - April 22

Tuesdays // 10:00-11:30am

Wednesday Night

The Acts of the Apostles

In a world that is unsure of where to find truth or purpose, the Book of Acts stands apart. It reveals God’s plan for global redemption, his purpose for our lives, and the power he has given us to accomplish his mission.
Leader: Missy Edgmon
January 8 - February 26
Wednesdays // 7:00-8:00pm

Thursday Short-Series

Raising Young Philosophers

Free Childcare Provided
Gather with other mothers for the study, Moms at the Well: Meeting God Through the Mothers of Scripture. We will do the first half of this 7-week study in the spring, and the other half in the fall.
Leaders: Missy Edgmon & Melinda Smith
March 20, 27; April 10, 17
Thursdays // 10:00-11:30am

Sunday Morning

Bible Overview

Join us on Sunday mornings as we move chronologically through the Bible together. No prior knowledge or homework is required. We meet in the back left corner of the gym, F106.
Leader: Missy Edgmon
Sundays // 9:45-10:45am

Online Bible Studies

The Bible Recap - begins January 1

The Bible Recap is a Bible reading plan that takes you chronologically through the Bible in one year. There is a podcast that accompanies each day’s reading, and we share conversations in the You Version Bible app.

Professional Women’s Group

Join other professional women for a time of spiritual encouragement and Biblical enrichment. Meetings are on Zoom every other Monday evening. Spring studies: Another Gospel? A Lifelong Christian Seeks Truth in Response to Progressive Christianity, Called to Cultivate: A Gospel Vision for Women at Work, Fierce Women's Bible Study
January 13 - December 15
Every other Monday // 7:30-8:30pm