New Here?

"Thank you for visiting our web site! I would love to invite you to come join us one Sunday. It's our prayer that you will find what so many of us have found here at First Colony Church of Christ, a group of people who are all striving together to honor God and lead people into a growing relationship with Jesus! If we can serve you in any way, please let us know!"

Corey Trevathan, Senior Minister


8:30am Acappella Worship
9:45am Bible Classes for All Ages

11:00am Instrumental Worship

Join us in person or watch online.


7:00pm UPLIFT Worship in The East Room
Programming for adults, students and children

What To Expect


Visit New Here Start Here

Located just inside the main entrance to the left, you will find welcoming volunteers. They can answer all your questions, help you get your children checked in and more. First-time visitors will receive a gift. 

Children's Ministry

 We have online and in-person programming for children ages birth through Grade 5.


Photo of students

Student Ministry

We have programming for students in grades 6 - 12.