
We use the word power to describe the ability to do things. A powerful engine can pull lots of weight or move a car very fast. A powerful person may be allowed to make laws or tell other people what to do. But who is the most powerful of all? Today we’ll learn more about a time God proved His power.

Additional Video Resources

God's Story - Elijah

Bible Verse - Song

Super Wonderful


Building Block Altars

Building Blocks
Whatever You Can Find

In Action
Encourage the kids to make altars. Describe the altar that Elijah built in 1 Kings 18:31-32.

An altar is like a table on which people leave or burn offerings. Only the one true God deserves offerings, but sadly, people sometimes worship false gods and make offerings to them. Today we will learn about a time Elijah built an altar to prove that only the one true God deserves our worship.

 Worship Ways

In Action
Form two teams, supplementing with a parent if needed. Provide each team with a sheet of paper and a writing utensil. Instruct the teams to write or draw pictures representing as many ways to worship God as they can think of. Then help the teams compare their lists. Cross out duplicate items. The team with the most list items left wins. Play additional rounds in which teams list reasons to worship God, or ways God has shown His power.

We can worship God in lots of great ways, and He deserves our worship for lots of reasons. In our story, God showed that He is the one true God. Ultimately, He deserves our worship because He is the one true God. Only He created us, and only He sent Jesus to die on the cross to rescue us from sin. In Him, we have all we need.

Bonus Activity

Door Hanger

QUESTIONS and video submissions