
Do you trust God? Typically all believers would say, “Yes!” Growing up as a believer often seems to be little steps of trusting God that make way for larger ones. Today we will look at a man who took baby steps to trust, to see God do amazing things in his life and become known and the father of the faith.

Additional Video Resources

God's Story: Abraham

Bible Verse - Song

Trust and Obey


Shadow Light Mystery’s

Needed Materials
white papers
various small objects from around your house

In Action
Start with a spoon, lay it down on a sheet of paper and ask your child what kind of image they think it might become. (the bird from UP) You might have to doodle a bit to help others catch your vision.
Watch this video* for examples of a skilled artist helping you catch his “vision.”
*Parents, please preview before showing to your children. Some may want to begin after the second illustration.

Spend a few minutes checking out your own items. Encourage your kids with the observation that they often have no idea what will be revealed in the light. God is the Light, His Word sheds direction along our life’s journey. How can His Light lead us? How can we Trust and Obey?

Trust Journey
Abraham and Sarah Move Craft

Needed Materials
White envelope: preferably square size with triangle flap (not rounded edge because the triangle flap will be the camels hump)
Crayons or colored pencils
Brown and/or yellow yarn/string
Piece of white or colored paper
Print this

In Action

  • Color “packing items” and camel’s head and legs on the printable and cut out items.
  • Color the envelope (this will be the camel’s body).
  • Paste the envelope onto the middle of the construction paper, with flap up and “pocket” opened toward you. Write TRUST above the camel.
  • Glue the camel’s head onto the end of the envelope and the feet under the bottom of the envelope. Use the string for the camel’s tail.
  • Review the Abraham and Sarah story while allowing the child to “pack” the camel with the cutouts (put the cutouts inside the camel envelope), making sure to focus on discussing how Abraham and Sarah put their TRUST in God.

QUESTIONS and video submissions