
Gideon though considered “small” in his family, won a mighty battle because he was willing to be utilized by God. Are you willing to surrender to God in your life?

Additional Video Resources

God's Story: Gideon

Bible Verse - Song

Trustin' You, Worship With Motions


God’s Victory Items

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In Action
God used some fantastic things to demonstrate His power for those who needed Him. After your child colors, their craft artifacts ask these questions:

Which is your favorite and why?

The light had to come out from being hidden; as Christians, we have God's shining out. How could you shine that light brighter to your friends or neighbors?

The pot had to be broken…what do you think in your life should be "broken" off if you want God to shine?

The horn amplified sound or made the soldiers' breath loud. Today we use a microphone or a loudspeaker. If you had one short message, you wanted everyone to hear what would you say?

Write something memorable your child shares on that artifact. Post it as a reminder that God uses us if we are willing to let Him.

At dinner with Buggle chips on hand, we created a brief but fun reenactment. The children silently positioned themselves around the dining room table and on cue, shouted, "For the sword of the Lord and for Gideon!" this process was memorable, entertaining and helped consume a lot of chips.

QUESTIONS and video submissions